
Weighing trucks

This solution in a nutshell:

  • Ground floor weighbridges
  • Above-ground weighbridges
  • Half-embedded weighbridges
  • Mobile weighbridges

More than 175 years of experience

  • Own design
  • Own production
  • Flexible
  • Smooth service
  • Experienced team
  • High quality

Since 1845 Robbe Industries SA, located in Turnhout, remains the expert in weighing and more specifically: weighbridges. As the biggest company of its kind, Robbe Industries disposes of various references in all industries.

For weighing trucks, Robbe Industries could offer you different options.

We install ground floor weighbridges as well as above-ground weighbridges or mobile weighbridges. The first choice that normally has to be made is the choice between a ground floor weighbridge and a mobile weighbridge. Most of the time, the available space will be decisive.

A ground floor weighbridge has no impact on mobility, as you can cross the weighbridge and manoeuvre in all directions. The main disadvantage of this weighbridge, however, is that the weighbridge pit has to be drained, which is maybe less interesting in maintenance.

Of course, an above-ground weighbridge gets in the way (you can’t manoeuvre or turn), but this weighbridge offers a lot of advantages regarding positioning control (is the truck correctly placed on the weighbridge) and will probably be easier in maintenance, as you don’t need a pit.

Obviously, an above-ground weighbridge will be more interesting if you would like to remove it in the future.

Would you like to install an above-ground weighbridge, but the space is rather limited? Then a half-embedded weighbridge could be a solution. Those weighbridges are installed in a shallow pit, so the entrances and exits disappear.

Would you like to have a temporary weighbridge or a weighbridge that is easy to install (for instance under an existing bulk loading station) or a removable weighbridge? Then a mobile weighbridge is a perfect solution for you.

As we are responsible for the production, we can offer the perfect weighbridge for all your activities. Please ask us for the possibilities regarding special dimensions and weighbridges for special vehicles.

Can we help you?

Describe your project and needs by filling in the form below. We will answer you within two working days and explain how we can help you.

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